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Snorebitz Saint Bernards
The Gentle GiantsScooby


Welcome to Snorebitz Saint Bernard's.


A little bit about us. Firstly we are based in Telford, Shropshire. Our dogs are our hobby giving us an enormous amount of pleasure, we have always had dogs in the house as pets and having had English Springer Spaniels  and Labradors  for many years. Then  in 2008 after losing one of our Springer's and with our Labrador getting very old  and more than a little unsteady we passed someone walking a very big old Saint Bernard, my wife said she would love one ! So we set off looking for a Saint Bernard puppy, shortly after found Minnie, (thankfully our Labrador  lived for another 2 years before we lost him in 2010).


That left us with Minnie and our little Springer Suzie  who at 13 years old while still very lively is getting on a bit, so we started looking for another Saint Bernard and after a long search found Scooby.


At the end of March 2011 when Minnie came into season we decided to mate her  and Kathy Lane from Lanebern Saint Bernard’s  kindly allowed us to use one of her Dogs Cody, and on 1st May 2011 Minnie gave birth to 9 puppies. Mom and pups are doing well.


 While we are planning to sell most of the puppies , before you consider buying one please note that  at a few weeks old they are the most adorable ball of fluff, however they grow at an alarming rate make no mistake they will be big dogs!  That said they have a fantastic friendly temperament and we would not swop them for the world.


Please note all pictures on this site are copyright of Snorebitz Saint Bernard’s unless otherwise stated and permission must be granted for there use.
